media releases

Council is urging residents to recycle correctly

Council has noticed a significant increase during the past year of non-recyclable items being placed in the recycling collection bins.
February 21, 2017

Wellington Shire Council has noticed a significant increase during the past year of non-recyclable items being placed in the recycling collection bins.

The most common household non-recyclable items being found in recycling bins include soiled nappies, polystyrene containers, plastic bags, plastic food wrappers, disposable drink cups and broken glass and crockery.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley, said: “Recycling has been around for a long time now and for residents to still be getting it wrong is a little disappointing.  

“People can play their part in the recycling process by ensuring that everything they put out is ready to recycle and is a recyclable item.

“People should also be thinking about what they can do to minimise their use of non-recyclable products. A lot of things can be re-used as something different once they have served their original purpose. That way they don't end up as landfill.”

Last year, Wellington Shire Council dealt with almost 3,500 tonnes of recyclable waste at its recycling facilities. All the recycled items collected from household bins are manually pre-sorted to remove items that should have been included in general waste. This is a costly and time-consuming process.

To ensure you are doing the right thing, here are some recycling reminders:

What can I put in my recycling bin?

  • Paper and cardboard
  • Glass (not broken) and plastic bottles
  • Aluminium and steel can
  • Milk and juice cartons
  • Newspapers and magazines.

What can’t I put in my recycling bin?

  • Plastic bags and plastic food wrappers
  • Bagged recycling in plastic bags
  • Batteries
  • Electrical goods
  • Polystyrene
  • Food scraps
  • Soiled nappies
  • Light globes
  • Clothing
  • Crockery and glassware.

Waste collection trucks are fitted with video technology allowing the driver to identify who is doing the wrong thing. Repeat offenders are at risk of being issued with a non-compliance notice and their service being stopped until they become compliant.

Let’s not get to this stage. Please ensure you double check what you are putting in your recycling bins is correct.

For further information on recycling visit:

Alternatively, contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 366 244.

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