media releases

Council encourages residents to drink up in H3O Challenge

Council has partnered with other health involved services​ to promote the VicHealth H30 Challenge​ across the Shire.
March 27, 2017

Wellington Shire Council has partnered with Wellington Primary Care Partnership, Central Gippsland Health Service, Yarram & District Health Service and GippSport​ to promote the VicHealth H30 Challenge​ across the Shire.

The rules of the H3O Challenge are simple. Council is encouraging Wellington Shire residents to switch from sugary drinks to water for 30 days and reap the rewards. It’s not a fad diet and it costs nothing to take part. Signing up is easy and you can start whenever it suits you. All people have to do is commit to switching sugary drinks for water for 30 Days.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Carolyn Crossley, said: “Council is excited to be championing this great initiative, and partnering with some great organisations.

“The aim of the H3O Challenge is about encouraging Wellington Shire residents to switch from sugary drinks to drinking water and feeling better for it.

“Health experts tell us that switching to water can lower our health risks, which can only be a good thing!

“We want people to build better and healthier habits to create a healthy Wellington Shire community.”

Sugary drinks are generally packed with much more sugar than we realise. A 600mL bottle of soft drink can contain up to 16 teaspoons of sugar, over 1000 kilojoules, and provides absolutely no nutritional value. So, giving sugary drinks the boot is one of the quickest ways to improve your health.

Water is the best choice and is good for us. It helps with digestion and lets us absorb the nutrients and hydration we need to live as well as providing a whole heap of other benefits.

Once you have signed up online, your personalised dashboard will keep you on track. It will tell you how many kilojoules, teaspoons of sugar and cash you’ve saved since starting the challenge. You’ll receive email updates, text messages, great prizes, tips, tools and helpful advice. Challenge yourself today and find out how easy it is to feel better in just 30 days.

There are also 3 x $500 vouchers up for grabs. All you need to do is be registered for the challenge and post a social media photo showing how you are choosing water over sugary drinks with #H3OWellington.

So what are you waiting for? Head across to now and get started!

Further information is available by contacting the Coordinator of Social Planning and Policy on 1300 366 244.

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