media releases

Council completes key biodiversity works

Wellington Shire Council has completed biodiversity-enhancement works across a number of sites within Wellington Shire.
April 2, 2021

Wellington Shire Council has completed biodiversity-enhancement works across a number of sites within Wellington Shire.  

Works have included blackberry control in Blind Joe’s Creek Conservation Reserve, Rosedale, with spiny rush control to be completed in the area in 2021/22.  

These works will complement revegetation plantings planned in 2021/22 along Blind Joe’s Creek to improve biodiversity and provide habitat for native species.  

“Biodiversity is critical for supporting life on Earth and Council is taking positive action in this space,” Wellington Shire Mayor Garry Stephens said.

“Such works also provide opportunities for people to connect to nature, which we know has positive impacts on people’s mental health,” Cr Stephens said.

The works were prioritised under Wellington Shire Council’s Urban Biodiversity Plan, which guides the management and enhancement of biodiversity and natural values of Council-managed sites within the shire.  

Council’s Urban Biodiversity Plan was developed to support Wellington Shire Council’s Public Open Space Plan 2014-2024; the Wellington 2030 Strategic Vision; and the Victorian Government’s Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 strategy.  

For more information on Council’s Urban Biodiversity Plan, contact Council’s Land & Natural Resource Coordinator on 1300 366 244.

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