media releases

Council asks landholders to cut fuel loads on properties

Wellington Shire Council is reminding landholders to limit fuel loads on properties throughout winter in preparation for the coming Fire Danger Period, which could be declared as early as October.
June 1, 2021

Wellington Shire Council is reminding landholders to limit fuel loads on properties throughout winter in preparation for the coming Fire Danger Period, which could be declared as early as October.    

Fuel-load maintenance includes ensuring grass, weeds and bracken are controlled, and undergrowth, fallen branches and tree cuttings are cleared regularly. Pruning trees is also good practice, as is regularly clearing of leaf litter from gutters.  

“A bit of regular maintenance in the cooler months makes fuel-reduction works much easier in the lead-up to the fire season and Council’s inspection of properties,” Wellington Shire Council Mayor Garry Stephens said.  

Council undertakes regular inspections and routine hazard-reduction slashing and vegetation management in Council-managed areas year-round, under the direction of the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.  

The work forms part of its fire hazard-reduction program, which was developed to align with Council’s Municipal Fire Management Plan.  

For more information on fire-hazard reduction, contact Council’s Land & Natural Resource Coordinator on 1300 366 244.

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