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Council announces sporting upgrades in Stratford

The Stratford community had reason to celebrate today, with $1.3 million in funding announced for upgrading sporting infrastructure at two locations.
August 9, 2019

The Stratford community had reason to celebrate today, with $1.3 million in funding announced for upgrading sporting infrastructure at two locations.

The Stratford Recreation Reserve, home to the Stratford Swans Football Netball Club and Stratford Cricket Club, will receive a $945,000 upgrade to their changerooms to bring them up to a female and family friendly standard.

This will include the redevelopment of the existing home and away changerooms, umpire rooms, accessible changerooms and public amenities to ensure they are family and female friendly.

The project will also include the construction of new netball home and away change rooms.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said Council welcomed the collaboration between the sporting clubs and the State Government through its Female Friendly Facilities Fund to ensure this project could happen.

“The Stratford Recreation Reserve user groups will be contributing $50,000 towards this project, which is a massive effort and shows their commitment to the facility and its future,” he said.

“Wellington Shire Council has welcomed the $500,000 funding from the State Government for this important project and Wellington Shire Council will contribute $395,000.

“This upgrade is important to Stratford, because the sporting clubs using this facility are already very inclusive with both men and women performing all roles within the clubs equally – now they will have facilities that emulate that.”

Council was also pleased to announce today the replacement of four tennis courts at Pine Lodge Recreation Reserve in Stratford.

“Tennis is another popular sport in Stratford and we’ve found that the facilities just aren’t up to the standard currently expected,” Cr Hall said.

“The courts at Pine Lodge were constructed in the 1980s so they are pretty worn out and don’t cope well with extremes of weather conditions.

“Council is pleased to announce funding of $135,500 towards the $415,500 project to bring these courts into the 21st century.

“Stratford Tennis Club will be contributing $30,000 and the State Government through its Community Sports Infrastructure Fund will contribute the remaining $250,000.

“It will be fantastic to see the new courts for the  players using the facilities who range in age from toddlers in the ‘Toddler Tennis’ program to the seniors who have been loyal to this club for many decades and still enjoy a hit.”

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