media releases

Community asked to share priorities for the next four years

The way communities live, work and play is always changing, especially in these turbulent times. So, to ensure Wellington Shire is the best it can be, now and into the future, a new four-year Wellington Shire Council Plan is being developed – and every resident, ratepayer or local worker is invited to help shape it.
February 16, 2021

The way communities live, work and play is always changing, especially in these turbulent times. So, to ensure Wellington Shire is the best it can be, now and into the future, a new four-year Wellington Shire Council Plan is being developed – and every resident, ratepayer or local worker is invited to help shape it.  

This year, Council is also revisiting its Wellington 2030 Community Vision – a long-term plan for the Shire that was developed in 2017. Council wants to hear from locals about whether the 2030 Vision has been working well and if it should be updated to meet future needs.  

Council will also determine how it maintains and invests in community assets while also responding to new challenges and changes, via its Asset Plan and Financial Plan reviews. Council invites community feedback on these reviews, which will shape the 10-year plans and help make sure they meet both the existing and changing needs of the community.  

The Stage 1 consultation period for all four plan reviews has started and will run until Friday 2 April, 2021.    

“This is about shaping our region for years to come, so it’s a great chance to get creative and think about the big picture,” Wellington Shire Mayor Garry Stephens said.  

Joining the conversation is easy – register at Your Wellington Your Say (

Registered members can provide feedback using all or some of the tools provided or can book to attend a discussion online or in person. Council will collect, review and analyse the feedback, and provide each Your Wellington Your Say member with a report on how it will use the ideas and comments received.  

Stage 2 of the reviews in July will be when community members can review the draft plans drawn up from the feedback received, and check if the community’s ideas have been captured appropriately.  

To help shape the Wellington of tomorrow, sign up at  

For more information or to get involved, check out the short explainer video here, or contact Bodye Darvill, Coordinator Council Plan Engagement, on 5142 3082 or

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