media releases

Best ever fire preparation result for Wellington

Property owners in Wellington are to be congratulated after the lowest ever number of non-compliant properties in Council’s fire inspection program.
December 20, 2018

Property owners in Wellington are to be congratulated after the lowest ever number of non-compliant properties in Council’s fire inspection program.

Fire Prevention Notices were served on 296 properties, directing specific clean-up such as slashing grass, removing undergrowth and trimming trees.

Of those, only 38 properties failed to comply.

This is the lowest ever number of properties deemed non-compliant leading up to a fire season.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Alan Hall said the areas needing the most clean-up were Loch Sport and Golden Beach, but the overall results were pleasing.

“Wellington residents have heeded the messaging this year about fire prevention and we are pleased they have taken advantage of our two No Fee Green Waste weekends and other opportunities to clean up around their properties,” Cr Hall said.

“Council’s fire officers have also reported that the drought conditions have had an impact on vegetation (or grass) growth.

“They have also advised that late seasonal rains may result in some new growth and property owners must stay vigilant throughout the whole season.”

Owners who did not comply with their Fire Prevention Notice will be issued with a $1,612 fine.

Council officers will continue to monitor conditions and will serve additional notices, if necessary, throughout the season.

All owners are reminded that they must maintain their properties throughout the declared Fire Danger Period.

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