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Age-friendly communities given a boost!

Following on from the hugely successful Age-friendly lunches held towards the end of last year, Council has followed up on a number of the suggestions that were put forward.
February 17, 2017

Following on from the hugely successful Age-friendly lunches held towards the end of last year, Wellington Shire Council has followed up on a number of the suggestions that were put forward from the conversations and discussions with interested community groups and organisations.

Planned projects that will benefit from the $100,000 of funding given to Council from the Department of Health and Human Services include:

  • Knit and Natter - an opportunity for older people to get together in an informal setting. People from senior citizens centres will be taken to different venues to enable them to participate in this activity.
  • Living Longer, Driving Longer – driving lessons for people aged 60+ to update and refresh their driving skills and knowledge, and help prolong the life of their driving license so that they can still be independent.
  • Sharing Your Story – Wellington Shire residents will have the opportunity to record their stories of the area with the help of a professional writer.
  • Improving Access to Information – council will ensure information is easier to find about what is available in the Shire for older people, including services, community groups and organisations, key contacts, etc.
  • One-on-one technology training – personalised training provided on a person’s own device so that they can improve their skills in using their mobile phone, tablet, computer or laptop.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Carolyn Crossley said:

“I was very encouraged by the conversations and discussions that were held around the tables at the lunches across the Shire and it is great to see some of these ideas and suggestions coming to fruition.”

The Age-friendly projects will be rolled out over the next 18 months to June 2018.

Ideas and suggestions for Age-friendly projects can still be submitted.

Further information is available from Sam Forbes, Council’s Age-Friendly Project Officer on 1300 366 244 or email

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