Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Readers rejoice! Coronavirus restrictions in regional Victoria have again been eased, which means Wellington Shire Council’s libraries have been given permission to open their doors again.
The latest update from the Victorian Government allows Council’s six libraries to each reopen to a maximum of 20 people.
All six libraries will resume normal operating hours, with Sale, Yarram and Rosedale libraries opening Tuesday 20 October, and Heyfield, Maffra and Stratford opening Wednesday 21 October.
Some restrictions do remain in place, however. The new rules allow no more than 10 people to gather in one space, and libraries will be required to record visitor names and contact details. Patrons are asked to limit their time to 30 minutes within branches to enable others to enter. Patrons are asked to bring a photo ID that lists a place of residence. People resident in Melbourne are not permitted to visit Wellington libraries.
Sale library’s level two library study area is temporarily closed, but access to the local history collection is available on request.
Patrons are also reminded to maintain social distancing of one person per four square metres and other COVID-Safe practices, including the wearing of a fitted mask.
Libraries Victoria deliveries and systemwide holds will resume.
Click & Collect services are still being offered, and service updates will be posted at wellington.vic.gov.au/category/libraries.
Wellington Shire Council library staff thank all patrons who used the libraries during the closure period and they look forward to welcoming locals back to each branch.
For more information email library@wellington.vic.gov.au or phone 03 5142 3146.