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Council services reopen after Covid lockdown

Wellington Shire Council is pleased to announce the reopening of all Council services, following the announcement by Premier Daniel Andrews that Victoria’s Covid-19 five-day lockdown will end at midnight tonight.
February 17, 2021

Wellington Shire Council is pleased to announce the reopening of all Council services, following the announcement by Premier Daniel Andrews that Victoria’s Covid-19 five-day lockdown will end at midnight tonight.  

All Council facilities will return to their normal operating hours on Thursday 18 February.  

Customer Service Centres in Sale and Yarram will again offer face-to-face services, or residents can call 1300 366 244 or email  

Port of Sale, The Wedge, Gippsland Art Gallery, Aqua Energy, the Gippsland Regional Sports Complex and visitor information centres will open, as will all council-run libraries and outdoor swimming pools.  

Social-distancing rules remain, with masks to be worn indoors at all times and outdoors if social distancing cannot be maintained.

Council-supported Sharps Disposal and Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) facilities will reopen for residents with diabetes or medical conditions, tattooists and medical centres.

Rules on attendance at Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange (GRLE) market day sales will be lifted, allowing all visitors to attend provided social-distancing protocols are followed.  

The Pound, parks, playgrounds and skateparks; Council-owned caravan and RV parks; waste facilities (transfer stations) and public toilets remained open throughout the lockdown.

Subject to confirmation, the next Wellington Shire Council meeting - to be held Tuesday 3 March at the Wellington Room, Port of Sale - will again be open to the public. Numbers will be limited and visitors must wear a mask in accordance with CovidSafe guidelines.  

For further clarification about our services, please call our Customer Service team on 1300 366 244 or visit

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