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Changes to Council services post Covid-19 vaccination target

How people interact with Wellington Shire Council services will change in coming days when Victoria meets its 80% Covid-19 vaccination target.
October 22, 2021

How people interact with Wellington Shire Council services will change in coming days when Victoria meets its 80% Covid-19 vaccination target.

The direction of the state government is that once the 80% target is reached, Council will only be permitted to allow fully vaccinated people into its buildings.

This means everyone over the age of 16 will need to have received two Covid-19 vaccinations. The current prediction for this 80% target is 29 October.

All people entering Council facilities will be required to show one of the following upon request:

  • Their vaccination status through the Victorian Government Service Victoria app on their smartphone (available through the Apple App Store or Google Play)
  • A printout of their vaccination certificate
  • An official letter from their doctor show evidence of a medical exemption

Once the 80% state-wide target is reached, people who cannot produce one of the above will not be able to access Council facilities.

These facilities include Council offices, libraries, Gippsland Regional Livestock Exchange, The Wedge Performing Arts Centre, Gippsland Regional Sports Centre, Aqua Energy, outdoor pools, airports, the Port of Sale precinct and community facilities such as halls and sporting facilities.

Vaccinations are available at various private and state-run clinics, along with pharmacies, including Wellington Respiratory Clinic in Sale, Gippsland Regional Sports Complex in Sale and GP clinics in Sale, Stratford, Maffra and Heyfield.

More information about the changes be found at

Quotes attributable to Wellington Shire Council Mayor Cr Garry Stephens:

“Wellington residents have done an amazing job so far in responding to the need to protect the community, with 94% of eligible people receiving their first vaccination and 70.9% of eligible people receiving both vaccinations.

“Council has an obligation to provide a safe workplace for our staff and a safe environment for our community.

“We have made this decision not only in order to follow the advice of the Victorian Government and the Chief Health Officer, but also because it is the right thing to do to keep our community safe.

“We all want to get back doing the things we love – whether that be working on-site, enjoying a meal out, playing a sport, taking in some entertainment, travelling freely or just catching up with friends and family we have missed so much.

“These measures are here to protect the community and allow us to get back to doing those things.

“I acknowledge this will not please everyone, but it’s important that we all show patience, kindness and respect toward Council staff and volunteer facility managers. Any behaviour that does not reflect this, will not be tolerated.”

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