Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244The summer Fire Danger Period has begun, and Wellington Shire Council has completed its reduction of combustible material across Council-managed areas.
Fire hazard reduction – slashing bushfire fuel and conducting other vegetation-management works – was concluded in December across Wellington as part of Council’s annual fire hazard-reduction program.
Fire hazards are managed in council reserves across Wellington Shire, with twice-yearly slashing and vegetation management undertaken to reduce fuel loads, under the direction of the Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.
Wellington Shire Council General Manager Built and Natural Environment Chris Hastie said, “These works play a critical role in reducing fuel loads while protecting biodiversity and amenity value in Council-managed reserves and open spaces within Wellington Shire.”
With wetter conditions than usual tipped for the next few months, Council will monitor vegetation growth and act to reduce fuel loads throughout the Fire Danger Period.
Wellington Shire Council’s fire hazard-reduction program was developed to align with Wellington’s Municipal Fire Management Plan, which identifies key risks inherent within the shire.
For more information on Council’s fire hazard-reduction program contact Council’s Land & Natural Resource Coordinator on 1300 366 244 or visit www.wellington.vic.gov.au/fire.