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Try something new and get active with This Girl Can

Try something new and get active with This Girl Can
November 20, 2020

Lace up your sneakers and get ready to work up a sweat, Wellington Shire Council has joined forces with VicHealth and This Girl Can Victoria to celebrate women getting active, feeling empowered and having fun.

No matter your age or ability, This Girl Can has an activity for you.

Events in Wellington this year include free golf lessons at Maffra Golf Club with PGA pro Matt Portelli on Sunday 6 December; social tennis at 50% off the usual price with Bionic Tennis Coaching at Stratford or Longford (book via; and free fitness equipment lessons on Saturday 5 December at 9am and 5pm, with affordable ongoing fitness classes hosted by Loch Sport Community House (call 5146 0145 to book).

Netball is offered for all ages at the Gippsland Regional Sports Complex in Sale, which is hosting a free four-week social program. Go to one session or all four, starting Thursday 26 November (call 0429 853 385 to register).

And there’s the Wellington Wellness Walk on Saturday 28 November. It is a 7km ramble from Stratford to The Vines on Avon along the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail, followed by a free breakfast, with the option of walking or catching a bus back.

Thirty lucky women got their skates on and grabbed a skate class spot on Gippsland Lakes Roller Derby’s This Girl Can Roll program. That means it is sold out, but Gippsland Lakes Roller Derby always welcomes new members – and no experience is necessary. For more information, visit

No matter what age, size, background or ability, This Girl Can is ready to welcome, celebrate and support Victorian women to embrace physical activity.

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