media releases

Stay Safe in a Power Outage

As the summer heat continues, the Victorian Government’s summer campaign, Your Guide to Power Outages, is seeking to help Victorians keep safe during a power outage.
February 6, 2017

As the summer heat continues, the Victorian Government’s summer campaign, Your Guide to Power Outages, is seeking to help Victorians keep safe during a power outage in bushfires and extreme weather conditions.

While Victoria has very reliable electricity supply, power outages can happen – particularly during heatwaves, bushfires and grassfires.

A guide has been produced Your Guide to Power Outages with a call to action: It only takes a few simple things to prepare.

Some simple tips include having access to:

  • A torch or battery-operated light
  • A phone that doesn’t rely on electricity (such as a fully-charged mobile phone)
  • A battery powered radio for news and updates
  • Fresh water (if you rely on an electric pump for water)
  • The faults and emergencies contact number from your latest bill.

Summer is also a time to check on elderly or vulnerable relatives and neighbours There’s a lot of useful advice online. Visit for more information on how to get prepared, or call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.

Hard copies of the guide are also available at your Council offices.

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