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Seeking feedback on Silage Wrap usage and volumes

Council is seeking feedback from farmers to understand the volume of waste silage wrap created across the Shire.
April 12, 2017

Wellington Shire Council is seeking feedback from farmers to understand the volume of waste silage wrap created across the Shire.

The amount of silage wrap on farms in the region is unknown and the information gathered from completing the survey will provide Council with valuable data to help determine the feasibility of the private sector establishing a plastic reprocessing facility in Gippsland for the recycling of silage wrap.

Silage wrap is made from low density polyethylene, is recyclable and can be made into new products such as floor matting, bollards, fencing and building materials.

Farmers across Wellington Shire create silage to feed to their animals as a high-quality feedstock. The silage is wrapped in plastic and options for disposal of the plastic unwrapped from the silage are limited.

Wellington Shire Council General Manager Built and Natural Environment Chris Hastie said: “The advantage to having a reprocessing facility in Gippsland means that a farmer’s waste silage wrap could be conveniently collected on the farm. The waste plastic is then turned into agricultural or building products that may be sold locally.

"This creates a sustainable solution to recycle plastic agricultural waste and helps the environment whilst creating employment in the region.

"It is vitally important for us to obtain this background information and I would encourage all farmers to complete the survey."

To complete the survey visit:

Closing date is 5pm on Monday 8 May 2017.

For further information please contact the Sustainability Projects Officer at Wellington Shire Council on 1300 366 244.

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