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Rezoning for proposed new Sale Sewerage Pump Station

Gippsland Water have submitted a Planning Scheme Amendment request to Wellington Shire Council.
June 21, 2017

Gippsland Water have submitted a Planning Scheme Amendment request to Wellington Shire Council to rezone the land at 36-40 Foster Street and 4 Park Street in Sale and remove the Design and Development Overlay for the proposed new sewerage pump station that will cater for future population growth and meet environmental obligations.

At its meeting on Tuesday 20 June 2017, Council resolved to advance the Planning Scheme Amendment process and request that the Minister for Planning authorise Council to prepare the Amendment C97 – Sale Sewerage Pump Station.

If authorisation is granted by the Minister, Amendment C97 will be placed on public exhibition.

Wellington Shire Council General Manager John Websdale says, “The removal of sewerage is essential for our communities and the installation of a new sewerage pump station is fundamental in delivering this essential service.”

Gippsland Water General Manager Customer Service and Communications Paul Clark said: “This is a critical piece of infrastructure to cater for future growth in Sale, Wurruk and Fulham.

“The existing pump station in Park Street will eventually be decommissioned and removed, providing an additional community benefit.”

Gippsland Water will work with the community, through a community and stakeholder consultation process, to ensure the new facility complements the local amenity.

For further information on Amendment C97 contact Council’s Planning Team on 1300 366 244.

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