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Rates refunds for some Ninety Mile Beach property owners

Rates refunds for some Ninety Mile Beach property owners
November 9, 2020

Ratepayers who own undevelopable land in inappropriately subdivided areas along the Ninety Mile Beach coastal strip and have paid rates and/or waste infrastructure charge payments may be eligible to seek a refund of payments made since 1 July 2006.

While Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found that the charges were lawful, Council ceased levying rates and the waste infrastructure charge on undevelopable Ninety Mile Beach subdivided lots from 1 July 2019 and no further rate notices will be issued.

Refund requests must made by Thursday 3 December 2020 with evidence of payment.  

For further information, call 1300 366 244. Applicants are asked to quote the property assessment number, property address and ratepayer name.

Applications can be submitted to; by post to Wellington Shire Council, PO Box 506, Sale 3850; or in person at our Customer Service Centres in Sale or Yarram. Council’s rates team will send an acknowledgement to advise that an application has been received.

Applicants are asked to allow a minimum of six weeks for an application to be processed.

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