Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council is seeking funding for the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of Macarthur Street and Market Street as a result of the number of casualty crashes at this location.
This proposal is in line with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) 2016-2020 Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan, designed to reduce crashes on the road network.
The project aims to reduce traffic speed through the intersection and separate vulnerable road users from vehicles at this location.
Statistically, the four-way intersection of Macarthur Street and Market Street has one of the most extensive crash histories in Gippsland, as well as many anecdotal near misses. In a period from 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2017, at the intersection of Macarthur Street and Market Street there were six recorded crashes including:
Treatments have previously been undertaken at this intersection which included the installation of kerb outstands and improvements to pedestrian access.
However, this previous work has been ineffective in deterring crashes and further treatments are now being considered. Wellington Shire Council is proposing to install a roundabout at this location to slow traffic on all four legs of the intersection.
This treatment would still allow for the free-flowing nature of traffic at a reduced speed. Roundabouts are one of the safest intersection treatments used today, which still allow for free-flowing traffic at a reduced speed.
Studies have shown that roundabouts can reduce the risk of being severely injured by up to 90%.
Roundabouts greatly simplify four-way intersections as drivers must only give way to their right. In the event of a crash, roundabouts reduce the severity of impact by changing the angles and speed of a collision.