media releases

Observe school zone speed limits and help save lives

Keeping kids safe as they make their way to and from school is a shared responsibility.
May 11, 2021

Keeping kids safe as they make their way to and from school is a shared responsibility, so Wellington Shire Council is calling on every road user to observe school zone speed limits and drive with care.

School speed zones apply from 8.00am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4.00pm every weekday during school terms.

During these times, the speed limit is 40kph on a road where the speed limit is normally 80kph or lower and 60kph where the limit is normally 80kph or higher.

Reduced speeds help keep kids safe at the 21 supervised school crossings Council operates and at the shire’s many unsupervised crossings.

When a crossing supervisor displays a stop sign or when children are crossing, drivers must stop in front of the first white line and wait until the supervisor or pedestrians are completely clear of the crossing before proceeding.

Keeping children safe also means following rules set by local schools and maintaining an awareness of surroundings. Always take care when passing parked school buses; try to use the drop-off and pick-up areas suggested by each school; observe local parking restrictions; and never double park or park in a bus bay.  

Remind children to stop, look and listen before crossing a road and to keep checking until safely across.

We encourage you to report any safety issues you notice around school crossings on 1300 366 244.  

For more information, visit

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