Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244School holidays start this week, but the fun of learning continues thanks to a fortnight of free workshops and skills sessions for young people.
Here is what is on:
April 7-12: Four-day film-making workshop, 10am, Port of Sale. For would-be movie creators, part of the 10-day Wellington Youth Fest, supported by Wellington Shire Council, the Wellington Youth Focused Network, Gippsland PHN, FReeZa and Gippsland East Local Learning & Employment Network.
April 7: Fast electric vehicle charger launch, 1pm, Port of Sale. EV displays; cruises on the electric-powered Rubeena; ‘Fun with Electrons’ for kids; screening of Storying Climate Change (Port of Sale, Wellington Room) – all free. Supported by Council and Sustainability Gippsland.
April 9: Wacky Wombat circus skills, 2.30pm, Sale Library, for ages 8-12.
April 12: HEY Wellington, 7pm, Stratford Courthouse. A Youth Fest event celebrating LGBTQIA+ young people with a night of personal stories and fabulous music. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
April 13: Mini Makers Portrait Workshop, 2pm, Gippsland Art Gallery. A Youth Fest event teaching portraiture and techniques.
April 15: SYN Radio Podcast Essentials workshop, 12.30pm, Wayput Room, Port of Sale. A Youth Fest event.
April 15: Youth Film Festival, 7pm, Port of Sale. 2020 Wellington Youth Film Festival films on the big screen – with free pizza. A Youth Fest event.
April 16: Circus, hip-hop and hoola hoop skills, Canal Road behind Port of Sale: Wacky Wombat circus skills for ages 7 to 13 at 10am; Hayley Hoopla’s Hip Hop Dance at 12.30pm; Hayley’s Hula Hoop skills at 2.30pm. All sessions are beginner friendly.
For Youth Fest and Wacky Wombat bookings, head to www.eventbrite.com.au/d/australia--sale/youth-fest