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How to keep the kids entertained this school holidays

School holidays start this week, but the fun of learning continues thanks to a fortnight of free workshops and skills sessions for young people.
March 26, 2021

School holidays start this week, but the fun of learning continues thanks to a fortnight of free workshops and skills sessions for young people.

Here is what is on:  

April 7-12: Four-day film-making workshop, 10am, Port of Sale. For would-be movie creators, part of the 10-day Wellington Youth Fest, supported by Wellington Shire Council, the Wellington Youth Focused Network, Gippsland PHN, FReeZa and Gippsland East Local Learning & Employment Network.  

April 7: Fast electric vehicle charger launch, 1pm, Port of Sale. EV displays; cruises on the electric-powered Rubeena; ‘Fun with Electrons’ for kids; screening of Storying Climate Change (Port of Sale, Wellington Room) – all free. Supported by Council and Sustainability Gippsland.

April 9: Wacky Wombat circus skills, 2.30pm, Sale Library, for ages 8-12.

April 12: HEY Wellington, 7pm, Stratford Courthouse. A Youth Fest event celebrating LGBTQIA+ young people with a night of personal stories and fabulous music. Under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.  

April 13: Mini Makers Portrait Workshop, 2pm, Gippsland Art Gallery. A Youth Fest event teaching portraiture and techniques.  

April 15: SYN Radio Podcast Essentials workshop, 12.30pm, Wayput Room, Port of Sale. A Youth Fest event.

April 15: Youth Film Festival, 7pm, Port of Sale. 2020 Wellington Youth Film Festival films on the big screen – with free pizza. A Youth Fest event.

April 16: Circus, hip-hop and hoola hoop skills, Canal Road behind Port of Sale: Wacky Wombat circus skills for ages 7 to 13 at 10am; Hayley Hoopla’s Hip Hop Dance at 12.30pm; Hayley’s Hula Hoop skills at 2.30pm. All sessions are beginner friendly.  

For Youth Fest and Wacky Wombat bookings, head to

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