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Help shape the future of Wellington Libraries

Wellington Shire Council has launched public consultation to inform the enhancement of our library network.
April 20, 2023

Wellington Shire Council has launched public consultation to inform the enhancement of our library network.

The main objective of the consultation is to seek the views of the community and understand the attitudes towards the current library service offering, and to support the development of a new four-year Library Services Plan.  

Feedback is sought on facility access and use, visibility, programming, cultural engagement, learning opportunities, collections, connectivity, and operations of the entire Wellington Shire library network.  

Engagement will be based on emerging public library trends, service benchmarking and meeting the needs and expectations of the Wellington Shire community.

It will also focus on continuing to establish the local library network as a welcoming community hub with skilled staff to provide guidance and support across a range of areas.

With a focus on sustainable growth, the Library Services Plan will set out a long-term strategy, aligned with Council’s broader community and cultural goals.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye said that our public libraries play a vital role in the community, providing a welcoming, and safe space for people of all ages and abilities.

“With over 180,000 visitors per year, we are now looking to maximise opportunities and invest in resources and activities that are important to our local communities.

I encourage the community to get involved and come forward with their views about what the future of our libraries look like to them” Cr Bye said.  

Council is inviting library users and the general public to have their say.

An online survey is now open and will run until 14 May 2023. Please visit the Your Wellington Your Say website at Anyone interested in participating can also visit their nearest library to provide feedback in-branch.

In addition, Council will be hosting community drop-in sessions, where locals are welcome to provide their ideas on the future of libraries in their communities.

Sessions will be held at:

  • Heyfield library - Wednesday 3 May from 10am - 12noon
  • Yarram library - Thursday 4 May from 10am - 1pm
  • Sale library - Friday 5 May from 9am - 12noon
  • Maffra library - Monday 8 May from 10am - 1pm
  • Rosedale library - Tuesday 9 May from 10am - 12noon
  • Stratford library - Wednesday 10 May from 10am - 1pm

Feedback from the survey and drop-in sessions will be used in the development of the four-year Library Services Plan.

For more information, please contact Wellington Shire library headquarters on 5142 3146 or email

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