Wellington Shire Council's vision is for happy people, healthy environment and thriving communities.
After Hours Emergency
1300 366 244Wellington Shire Council is responsible for more than 3,000km of roads, 173 bridges and 283km of footpaths, as well as kerbs, drains, road signs and more.
All of these assets are covered by Council’s Road Management Plan, which sets standards for their inspection, maintenance and repair, as well as making sure these standards meet budget requirements, community expectations and service-delivery priorities.
Council is currently conducting a review of the plan and it is inviting the public to have their say, to better understand the needs and expectations of all transport users and pedestrians.
A copy of the current Road Management Plan 2017 and draft Road Management Plan 2021 can be inspected at your.wellington.vic.gov.au/roadplan.
Hard copies are available at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Sale and Yarram.
Submissions to the draft Road Management Plan 2021 are open until Friday 30 April and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Wellington Shire Council, and submitted via Your Wellington Your Say (your.wellington.vic.gov.au) or posted to PO Box 506, Sale, Victoria 3850.
Council will take all submissions into consideration and feedback will be collated, reviewed and analysed.