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Get to know author Denise Tobin Shine

Enjoy the ample experiences of author Denise Tobin Shine with a free afternoon author talk following her latest release Jeremiah's Trunk.
August 30, 2019

Enjoy the ample experiences of author Denise Tobin Shine with a free afternoon author talk following her latest release Jeremiah's Trunk.

Get to know Denise, understand her writing journey and explore the depths of her novel in the Wellington Room, Port of Sale on Wednesday 18 September at 2.00pm.

‘Jeremiah's Trunk’ is a twisted page turner which tells the tale of protagonist Abigail Skinner’s untold family history, uncovered by the contents of a mysterious old oak trunk.

The story encompasses a sense of realism within the characters who bring the novel to life, while it flips between contemporary and historical eras.

Denise’s experiences provided the creative mind which developed this novel after four years of rigorous research and writing.

For those planning to read her latest book or just interested in the writing journey of an author and some complimentary tea and biscuits – come along.

For more information head to or call the Sale Library on 5142 3146 to book.

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