media releases

Free financial information for older Australians

A free seminar about financial support options whilst making the transition into retirement will be held at the Sale Library.
September 17, 2019

A free seminar about financial support options whilst making the transition into retirement will be held at the Sale Library on 30 September.

The seminar will cover income and asset tests, deeming investments, concession issues and tax issues, your retirement choices, MyGov and other digital services.

Attendees will learn how to navigate government services and make smart money choices.

The seminar will be run by the Department of Human Services Financial Information Service.

Make the most of this free session Age Pension – Your Choices which visits Sale Library on Monday 30 September from 1.30pm-3.30pm.

Bookings are essential, call Sale Library on 5142 3146 or email to book.

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