media releases

Free conflict resolution training for community groups

Wellington is served incredibly well by local community groups and volunteers.
March 19, 2019

Wellington is served incredibly well by local community groups and volunteers.

It's what makes Wellington a great place to live!

However sometimes we find dealing with conflict in community groups difficult to manage and relationships suffer as a result.

Free conflict management training for community groups and volunteers is coming to Wellington, facilitated by the Dispute Settlement Centre.

Sessions will focus on community committees and their meeting processes; community group interaction with local community members; and, digital communications and social media.


  • Tuesday 2 April - Bond St Event Centre, Sale 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm
  • Tuesday 9 April - Yarram Neighbourhood House 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm
  • Thursday 11 April - Maffra Memorial Hall 2pm-4pm and 6pm-8pm

Bookings essential and limited spots available.

To register phone Britt or Kait on 1300 366 244 before Friday 29 March.

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