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Exciting day for Heyfield: Pump track construction begins

The pump track is the second stage of the Heyfield Youth Play Precinct, which has already seen the completion of the town’s new and improved skate park.
November 23, 2020

There is an exciting buzz around the Heyfield community this week, with the beginning of works on the town’s new pump track.

The pump track is the second stage of the Heyfield Youth Play Precinct, which has already seen the completion of the town’s new and improved skate park.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Garry Stephens said the Heyfield Youth Play Precinct eventuated from members of the Heyfield community who approached Council and requested an expansion of the skate park to cater for a wider range of skating skill levels and also a pump track to provide more entertainment options.

Funding from the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Program was made available through Member for Gippsland Darren Chester, to bring the vision to reality.

“This is a fantastic outcome for the Heyfield community, who very clearly articulated to Council what they wanted and were heavily involved in the consultation process which included involvement from local students and children who would actually use the facility,” Cr Stephens said.

“Council provided the community with three track layouts and invited the community to vote for their favourite option.

“This project is very exciting, because the pump track will be the very first of its kind in Wellington. It will be constructed from asphalt and will cater for a range of wheeled sports including scooters, skateboards and bikes.”

Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester said the Federal Government was investing in local infrastructure to bring lasting community benefits.

“When finished, these facilities will encourage families, teens and young people to be more active and become a place where they can have fun and socialise,” Mr Chester said.

“We need to continue to improve the liveability and attractiveness of our towns and smaller communities for both residents and visitors – and that’s what recreation areas like these can achieve.

“These projects will also generate much-needed economic stimulus by getting Federal Government money into our towns to help complete priority infrastructure projects, which support local contractors, suppliers and local jobs,” Mr Chester said.

“This is part of a significant amount of Federal Government money that will come into Wellington as we continue to recovery from the impact of drought, bushfires and the coronavirus pandemic.”

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