media releases

Council welcomes $2m investment for early years in Yarram

Wellington Shire Council is delighted to announce that its application for a $2 million modular kindergarten at the Yarram Early Learning Centre has been approved.
November 7, 2022

Wellington Shire Council is delighted to announce that its application for a $2 million modular kindergarten at the Yarram Early Learning Centre has been approved.

The Yarram Early Learning Centre, which operates out of the Council-owned Yarram Hub building, provides essential kindergarten and childcare services to Yarram and surrounds. The demand for these services has been increasing over recent years, and with recent reforms to increase the hours of three and four year old kindergarten, there will be growing demand for early childhood services.

Council worked closely with the Yarram Early Learning Centre in 2021 to develop a Feasibility Study to explore options and recommendations for early years services in Yarram, and then to prepare and submit the funding application.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Cr Ian Bye said the two-room modular kindergarten, to be located in the Yarram Hub precinct, will provide an additional 66 licenced kindergarten places for the Yarram Early Learning Centre, and provide greater flexibility for program delivery.  

“The new modular kindergarten will ensure that Yarram Early Learning Centre may continue to provide valued kindergarten and childcare services into the future.

“This is essential for the wellbeing of children and families and will be a great asset to the town, helping to attract and retain new residents,” he said.

The project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Building Blocks program and will be delivered by the Victorian School Building Authority. Works are expected to commence in the new year.

Victorian Government media release available at

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