media releases

Council wants community’s feedback on facilities plans

Wellington Shire Council has released draft plans for its sporting, community and early years facilities, and is now calling on residents to provide their feedback.
September 13, 2021

Wellington Shire Council has released draft plans for its sporting, community and early years facilities, and is now calling on residents to provide their feedback.

The three infrastructure plans will help guide investment in facilities such as halls, recreation reserves, community meeting spaces, as well as kindergartens and childcare centres.

The draft Community Infrastructure Plan, Sporting Infrastructure Plan and Early Years Infrastructure Plan were developed following an extensive research and consultation process.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Garry Stephens said the plans provided a blueprint of current and future needs for the region’s much-loved community facilities.

“The research and consultation found that while there are generally adequate community and sporting facilities in Wellington Shire, some investment is certainly needed in our early years facilities to meet growing demand in the coming years,” Cr Stephens said.

“I encourage people read to through these draft plans and provide their feedback, which will then be utilised in forming the final plans.”

The draft plans and feedback forms are available now by visiting Your Wellington Your Say (, the Yarram or Sale service centres, or one of the Wellington libraries.

There will also be a series of online discussion sessions held. Visit Your Wellington Your Say for the Zoom link to the sessions.

Online discussion sessions:

  • Community Infrastructure Plan – Community session Monday 27 September 10.30am to noon, stakeholder session Tuesday 28 September 7pm to 8pm
  • Sporting Infrastructure Plan – Community session Thursday 30 September 10.30am to noon, stakeholder session Thursday 30 September 7pm to 8pm
  • Early Years Infrastructure Plan – Community session Tuesday 5 October 4.30pm to 6pm, stakeholder session Thursday 7 October 7pm to 8pm

Consultation on the draft plans will close on Friday 8 October.

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