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AusNet Services today presented its plans for developing infrastructure to support Gippsland’s Renewable Energy Zone (GREZ) to Wellington Shire Council.
Wellington Shire Council is a key stakeholder in the GREZ, with a number of renewable energy projects in the works and ready to be developed.
Climate change was one of the five priority areas identified in Council’s four year Council Plan, with a key target to become one of the leading best practice renewable energy and sustainability hubs in the country.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye said the successful implementation of the GREZ, including the transmission of the renewable energy for use in the grid would bring great benefits to Wellington.
“Wellington Shire Council is a great supporter of renewables and we have been providing support to various proponents in our region to establish their renewable energy projects,” he said.
“AusNet Services provided Council today with a run-down of their plans for the GREZ and for energy transmission from the renewable projects we have happening in Wellington.
“We look forward to further updates from AusNet Services about how they can support the region and renewable energy developers realise their projects as we transition from coal to renewables.”