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Council endorses second package for business Covid-19 support

Wellington Shire Council today endorsed the second incarnation of its Covid-19 Business Support Package to assist local business recover from the effects of the pandemic.
October 5, 2021

Wellington Shire Council today endorsed the second incarnation of its Covid-19 Business Support Package to assist local business recover from the effects of the pandemic.

The Covid-19 Business Support Package 2.0 will cost Council $360,000 and will cover a range of initiatives including the waiving of various permits, registrations, fees and support of local Business and Tourism/Trade Associations.

A key part of the package also includes financial assistance for those businesses who have not yet created Click and Collect services on their websites, along with the engagement of the Small Business Mentoring Service for those who need extra support to adapt their businesses during and post Covid-19.

Given the toll the lockdowns have had on the mental health of business owners and operators, Council will also offer a second round of visits by business chaplains.

A marketing campaign to promote local spend is also being planned, where shoppers will be enticed to “Buy Local and Win”.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Cr Garry Stephens said businesses in Wellington had been doing it tough for some time.

“Businesses in Wellington have endured an extensive period of difficult times, with drought reducing local spend, followed by bushfires and most recently the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

“Our Business Support Package implemented last year was well received by local business, so this year we consulted our Business Boost Reference Group, whose members are business operators, about how we could support them for the second consecutive year.

“We can’t stop the lockdowns, but we are doing everything we can to assist local business to trade through the uncertainty and hopefully recover.”

For further information about the Covid-19 Business Support Package 2.0, visit

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