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Applications now open for up to $6,000 in Community Assistance Grant funding

Applications are now open for the latest round of Community Assistance Grants, offering funding between $2,501 -$6,000 to eligible not-for-profit community groups.
January 12, 2023

Applications are now open for the latest round of Community Assistance Grants, offering funding between $2,501 -$6,000 to eligible not-for-profit community groups.

The Community Assistance Grants Scheme encourages community outcomes in line with Council’s Wellington 2031 vision, the Council Plan 2021-25, and Healthy Wellington 2021-25.

It aims to build community capacity by encouraging:

  • Participation and inclusion
  • Growing community partnerships
  • Providing learning opportunities
  • Supporting social connectedness, and
  • Activating our community spaces such as parks, halls and other facilities.

Grants are available for many community activities and projects that benefit the Wellington Shire community; for example, local events and festivals, committee planning and initiatives, community facility infrastructure improvements and equipment needs.

Applicants who are unsure about navigating the grants process, can also discuss their idea with Council’s Grant Officer on 1300 366 244.

As part of Council’s August 2022 Community Assistance Grants Scheme, Council allocated more than $146,676 of funding to 26 different projects and events across Wellington Shire.

Last year’s recipients included (but are not limited too) Meerlieu Public Hall; Cricket Club Net Replacement, Sale Combined Kindergartens Inc; Playground Improvements, Uniting – Gippsland Sale; Community Meals, Stratford Bowling Club; Facility Refresh, Tarra Festival Committee; 2023 Tarra Festival and Heyfield & District Vintage Machinery Group Inc; Heyfield Vintage Machinery Rally 2023.

Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye said that Community Assistance Grant funding continues to support community groups with the resources they need to deliver events, projects, or improve facilities and ensure they meet the needs of our growing communities.

“We continue to be impressed by the applications received each year and I really encourage our local community groups to take advantage of this funding opportunity.”

The Community Assistance Grant program is open between 12 January 2023 and 1 March 2023.

Community groups looking for funding help and wishing to apply should visit to view guidelines and assessment criteria and to access an application form.  

In conjunction with the current Community Assistance Grants program, Council also offers additional grant and rebate opportunities as listed below:  

Quick Response Grants

Quick Response Grants are open all year round and applications are made available for not-for-profit community groups looking for funding of up to $2,500. Applications must be received 21 days prior to you starting your activity. Visit for more information.

Energy Audit Rebate

Rebates of up to $500 are available for community groups and organisations (not-for-profit) who engage an external energy auditor to review their annual energy consumption and submit a report on their facilities’ performance. An energy audit can clarify a facilities’ energy consumption and identify areas for potential savings. Applications close 30 March 2023, visit for more information.

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