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Applications for travel exemptions for fire preparedness now open

Non-residential owners of properties in the Wellington Shire can now apply for an exemption from Covid-19 travel restrictions for the purposes of undertaking fire prevention works.
October 6, 2021

Non-residential owners of properties in the Wellington Shire can now apply for an exemption from Covid-19 travel restrictions for the purposes of undertaking fire prevention works.

Applications will be assessed against guidelines set by the Chief Health Officer and state government. If successful, a letter of exemption will be issued. This process may take up to five business days.

While applications are now open, travel under the scheme is permitted from 11 October.

Those travelling from metropolitan Melbourne or other areas that are under stricter Covid-19 regulations than Wellington should be aware that the restrictions of their main place of residence travel with them.

This means that obtaining a travel exemption from Council is not a green light to visit the area for a holiday or a weekend away. The purpose of travel is strictly to perform maintenance or tasks relating to the preparation of a property for the fire season.

Further detail about the travel exemption and how to apply can be found at

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