public notices

Notice of Proposed Governance Local Law 2024

Apr 17, 2024

Notice of Proposed Governance Local Law 2024

Notice is given, pursuant to section 73(3) of the Local Government Act 2020, that at its meeting held on 16 April 2024, Wellington Shire Council resolved to make the proposed Governance Local Law 2024 available for community engagement.  

The objectives of this Local Law are to:

a. Regulate the use of the common seal;

b. Prohibit unauthorised use of the common seal or any device resembling the common seal and determine offences and associated penalties;

c. Determine offences and associated penalties relating to conduct at Meetings;

d. Provide for the administration and exercise of Council powers and functions; and

e. Revoke any redundant Local Laws.

The intended effect of the proposed Governance Local Law 2024 is:

To provide for the continued regulation of Council’s common seal and offences in respect of conduct at meetings.

A copy of the proposed Governance Local Law may be inspected at Wellington Shire Council: 18 Desailly Street, Sale or viewed on Council’s community and engagement tool ‘Your Wellington, Your Say’ via the button below.

The community engagement process utilised for the Governance Local Law 2024 will be facilitated on Council’s online community engagement and communication tool ‘Your Wellington, Your Say’. A Community Impact Statement has also been developed to inform the community about the proposed Local Law and to assist any members of the public who may wish to participate in the community engagement process.

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