public notices

EOI - Infrastructure Plan for Early Childhood Services

Mar 3, 2020

Expression of Interest

The Wellington Shire Council is seeking to undertake the development of an Infrastructure Plan for Early Childhood Services currently operating within shire boundaries.

The study will provide Council with a clear understanding of kindergarten and long day-care services and the potential for those facilities to respond to the growing demand on their infrastructure, including  the impact of Victorian State government’s resolve to fund the provision of subsidized three-year-old kindergarten for all children across Victoria.


Wellington Shire Council is seeking to engage an appropriately qualified and experienced consultant to provide Council with a comprehensive Infrastructure Plan for Early Childhood Services within the Wellington Shire. The study will complement and add to the service demand work which has been carried out by consultancy firm Ernst and Young who, on behalf of the Department of Education and Training, have undertaken a state-wide early childhood service and infrastructure assessment, in preparation for the roll out of the three-year-old kindergarten initiative. This will not impact services in Wellington Shire until 2022, although it would be appropriate to build in planning for this to occur, prior to that date.

The development of the Infrastructure Plan will proceed in two stages.

The second stage will be commenced once the Department of Education and Training (DET) releases the findings of the Ernst Young study.

Applications Close: Friday 27 March 2020.

The Consultancy Brief may be downloaded on the link below.

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