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New Council sworn in and Garry Stephens elected Mayor

New Council sworn in and Garry Stephens elected Mayor
November 12, 2020

In a big night for Wellington Shire Council, all nine Councillors were sworn in to office and Cr Garry Stephens elected Mayor for the next 12 months.

Deputy Mayor is Cr Scott Rossetti.

New Councillors were Cr Jill Wood, Cr John Tatterson and Cr Marcus McKenzie.

Returning Councillors were Cr Garry Stephens, Cr Scott Rossetti, Cr Ian Bye, Cr Carolyn Crossley, Cr Malcolm Hole and Cr Gayle Maher.

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 regulations, the special meeting of Council was held via Skype instead of in the Council chamber.

Cr Stephens thanked his fellow Councillors for their support and provided a brief overview of the issues he would be focussing on during his one year term as Mayor.

These included:

  • Recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic including the physical and mental health of Wellington people and the recovery of local business and industry
  • Climate change and exciting opportunities for renewable energy projects including off-shore wind and solar farms
  • Continuation of the advocacy for the local native timber industry and its importance to regional communities, particularly Wellington
  • Waiting the result of the State Government rating review
  • Major recycling and waste contracts to fall in line with new State Government legislation

Cr Stephens said he also looked forward to the Councillors continuing a great working relationship between themselves, the CEO and Council staff.

This is Cr Stephens’ second term on Council, after being elected in 2016. This is his first stint as Mayor.

Cr Scott Rossetti brings 12 years’ experience to the role of Deputy mayor, after being first elected to Council in 2008. He has also served as Mayor three times and Deputy mayor once during this time.

The first Ordinary Council meeting of this term will be held next Tuesday.

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