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Lake Guthridge Algal Warning

Council is urging the public to avoid coming into contact with the water in Lake Guthridge due to the presence of a blue-green algae bloom.
January 8, 2018

As a health precaution Wellington Shire Council is urging the public to avoid coming into contact with the water in Lake Guthridge due to the presence of a blue-green algae bloom.

Pets such as dogs should be kept out of the water, and water-based recreational activities including fishing should be avoided. If contact is made with the water, people are encouraged to wash themselves (or their pet) thoroughly with clean water.

Council will be installing clearly visible warning signs at Lake Guthridge advising people of the risks associated with the algal bloom. The signs will remain in place until further tests determine that algal numbers are once again safe in the lake.

The toxic blue-green algal species Microcystis Aeruginosa is a naturally occurring bacteria that has the potential to make humans and animals sick.

Ideal weather conditions, such as long periods of warm weather with little rainfall can cause unsafe quantities of the algae in water. Blooms can last for a couple of weeks or more, depending on the local conditions. Council will continue to monitor and test Lake Guthridge water while the conditions for algal blooms remain favourable.

For more information or advice, please contact Council’s Environmental Health team on 1300 366 244. Anyone experiencing ill health effects following contact with the water in Lake Guthridge is encouraged to seek advice from a health professional.

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